

Install and Maintain Prairies and Prairie Gardens

Any area, whether a small plot in your yard, or a large multi acre site, can become a beautiful planting. We will prepare the site, install and maintain your prairie.

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Design and install structured Gardens

While our main focus is on Wisconsin natural systems, we also understand that a prairie is not right for all situations. Sometimes a more formal, structured planting is needed. To meet that need we also design, install and maintain more structured gardens. We use native plants when possible, but will also supplement with well behaved non-native flowers and shrubs.

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Maintenance of Estates, Woodlands, Prairies and Gardens

Maintenance of natural areas is a very important component for the health of any ecosystem. Knowing not only what plants to remove, but also when to remove them, takes years of study and experience. At Nature’s Way we maintain not only small yards and estates, but sites as large as 60 acres.

Stacks of Sweet Clover removed from prairie

Stacks of Sweet Clover removed from prairie